Peak Season
Residents of southern states like Florida will notice that cockroaches are more prevalent when temperatures are hot. Cockroaches are a nuisance pest and can transmit diseases as well as cause allergic reactions.
Risk Factors
What Is a Cockroach?
Cockroaches are some of the most common home invaders in the southern states. These pests can be found around garbage and sewers but usually enter homes ins search of food. Some of the common biological characteristics of cockroaches include:
- Oval body shape with a flattened body
- Heads are partially or fully concealed by a pronotal shield
- 1/2 to 5/8 inch long in size
The lifespan of cockroaches varies by species. Some of the most common types like the German cockroach have an adult lifespan of less than two hundred days. Other types like the American cockroach vary between males and females. However, if food sources are abundant, cockroaches can live off food for quite some time.
Are They Dangerous?
Cockroaches can be very dangerous to have living and breeding inside homes or businesses. They carry a lot of bacteria from garbages or sewers where they might have been previously. They contaminate surfaces and food immediately upon impact. They can also transmit things like salmonella which causes fever-like symptoms and vomiting. They have also been linked to asthma attacks in young kids from shed skin left behind.
Where Are They Commonly Found?
Cockroaches can be found all around the United States but are especially common in the Southern regions because of the hot climate. In structures, cockroaches look for warm, humid areas that are close to food. Besides garbages and sewers, they can enter into properties through cracks and crevices. They can also enter properties through boxes, packages, used appliances, furniture, and other items.
While cockroaches can be hard to prevent, there are a few things you can do to keep them from getting in. Keeping garbage secured in containers and distanced from the exterior of your home will help prevent them from getting in. Keeping your home or business clean will also reduce the risk for these pests. This includes cleaning up spills, crumbs, cleaning the insides of cabinets, and cleaning appliances often.